Why Mindfulness Meditation?

Meditation is the harmonious integration of mind, body, and spirit, offering a profound sense of peace as the mind becomes free of all thoughts. This type of meditation that focuses on silencing the mind is often referred to as mindfulness meditation or silent meditation. In this practice, the aim is to clear the mind of thoughts and distractions, allowing for a state of calm and stillness. Another common term for this type of meditation is Zen meditation, also known as Zazen in the Zen Buddhist tradition, where practitioners sit in silence, focusing on their breath and allowing thoughts to pass without engagement.

Meditation, at its highest purpose, can connect you to a state of bliss and ecstasy. This transcendent experience occurs when you move beyond the illusions of this world into a deeper reality, becoming one with the fabric of consciousness. Every sense of your being becomes heightened, both on the physical and spiritual planes, until you merge with all consciousness. In this state, your unique identity dissolves into the Source of everything, and you are consumed by light, peace, and love.

This profound connection grants you access to knowledge and truths beyond intellectual understanding, making the experience difficult to describe in words. Achieving this Oneness will transform your life forever. In Hinduism, it is called Absoluteness, in Buddhism, it is known as Nirvana. Regardless of the name, you become one with all consciousness, simply being all that is.

Meditation also grants full awareness of the Unity that binds all of creation, including the universes, solar systems, and beyond. Worldly delusions lose their grip on you as you realize fear is an illusion and love is the ultimate reality. You begin to see everything with fresh eyes and a rejuvenated heart, mind, and spirit. Upon returning from such blissful states of consciousness, you may feel inspired to serve others and share the profound peace and love you have discovered.

Our minds

The waking mind is not our only means of accessing information. In meditation, we reach beyond it. While the waking mind dominates our day-to-day lives, we can quiet it through meditation. This allows another part of us to “speak”—our intuitive thinking, through which we are connected to everything.

In 2003, the BBC broadcast the documentary “The Day I Died,” featuring American singer Pamela Reynolds. During a surgery that required cutting off blood circulation to her brain, her EEG was flat, and she was clinically dead for about an hour. Remarkably, after the surgery, she described the surgeons’ actions and the medical tools used during the operation—tools she had never seen before. Additionally, she experienced a near-death phenomenon, seeing a light above her and having life flashbacks, all while her brain was “turned off.”

Cases like this demonstrate that we can experience things beyond the capabilities of the waking mind. During deep meditation, we can access experiences that are otherwise unavailable to us in our everyday, conscious state.


My primary purpose for meditation is to expand my consciousness and connect with my inner wisdom and divine self, enabling me to gain knowledge and develop wisdom to help others. However, the greatest gift I received from meditation is the profound understanding that love is all there is and all we need to live peacefully as humans.

How to meditate:
Silent Meditation is the Key to Success
What is Zen Meditation? Benefits & Techniques


“So, to meditate is to purge the mind of its self-centered activity. And if you have come this far in meditation, you will find there is silence, a total emptiness. The mind is uncontaminated by society; it is no longer subject to any influence, to the pressure of any desire. It is completely alone, and being alone, untouched it is innocent. Therefore there is a possibility for that which is timeless, eternal, to come into being. This whole process is meditation.”  Jiddu Krishnamurti

“Through prayer we speak to God. In meditation, God speaks to us.” Edgar Casey