Surrendering to Change

Each of us has a connection to a greater realm of awareness. This deeper awareness is present in us and contains within it all the information we might ever seek to know, including knowledge of our life mission, whom we have been, who we are now, and who we are to come.

We all are capable of weaving illusions, crafting mental programs that convince us to ignore our true hearts. Picture this: you know it’s time to let go of a situation and move forward, yet fear keeps you rooted in place. It’s crucial to understand that no single group, person, place, or thing can determine your true purpose in life. Anything or anyone that hinders your spiritual growth can be harmful to your soul.

Imagine a life where anything that elevates your spiritual well-being is worth exploring. Discovering who you are involves a deep, introspective journey where the answers lie within you. It’s a process of self-examination, peeling back the layers to uncover your authentic self. Embrace this journey, for it’s in the depths of your own spirit that true enlightenment awaits.

Embrace your spiritual guidance with an open heart. The soul, when given freedom, naturally seeks its Source, but this journey can be slow and arduous. Look for divine guidance in what you might call coincidences or synchronicities. Trust in your dreams and the messages they carry. Sometimes, wisdom comes from those close to you or even from kind strangers. Focus on the opportunities before you, not the obstacles in your path. With spiritual guidance and expanded awareness, we can transform our lives into ones filled with greater love and light.

Before you begin the journey of self-discovery, it’s crucial to understand who you are not. If you’re dissatisfied with your current self, you’ll seek change, consciously or unconsciously. This subconscious unrest can lead to a world of chaotic illusions, created to protect your current lifestyle. In this state, you build false hopes and dreams, placing your trust in the physical world instead of the spiritual. Becoming spiritually aware can be challenging, often requiring significant life changes that may lead to losing old friendships and companions tied to your former mindset. However, this transformation is essential for true spiritual growth and fulfillment. The Great Master Christ said:

“I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News, will receive now in return, a hundred times over, houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property—with persecutions. And in the world to come they will have eternal life. But many who seem to be important now will be the least important then, and those who are considered least here will be the greatest then.” (Mark 10: 29-30, Christian biblical text)

Embarking on a pure path of spiritual awareness can be daunting, often leading to lost relationships and peer discrimination. Deep down, you always know when your soul is urging you to change something. Yet, it’s easy to ignore these feelings, letting fear and the mind’s clever excuses hold you back. Financial insecurity, an unhealthy marriage, family politics, and religion can all fuel this fear. You might even face new fears or find old ones resurfacing with greater intensity. Unable to cope, you might stay in situations that leave you unhappy or confused.

But what if you’re content with a life that, while limited, lacking spiritual growth and unexciting, runs smoothly? The thought of change can seem like an unnecessary burden. Sure, there might be a better life waiting for you, but it comes with risks you’re not willing to take. Instead of focusing on what you have to lose, ask yourself: What do you have to gain? Embracing spiritual guidance and facing your fears could lead to a life richer in love, light, and fulfillment. Isn’t that worth the risk?

Self-examination can be extremely scary. To truly delve into it, you must surrender to the love that lies at the center of the emptiness within you. This love is forever present, nestled in the depths of your being. We’ve forgotten how infinitely loving we truly are—it’s the purest essence of our existence.

Each of us has the chance to expand our consciousness and awareness by aligning with our spiritual growth and potential. Neglecting this can lead to an unhappy, disharmonious and unbalanced life. Embrace the transition into a more promising life, even if you can’t perfectly predict what it will look like or which path to take. Just take that first step and see where it leads. Remember, new companions will come into your life. You are never meant to be alone for long. Like attracts like, and as you change, so will your relationships. Keeping a journal of your experiences can be helpful as you navigate the challenges. Find an online support group or a local spiritual community to support you through your transition. Life is about discovering and becoming. Change is not the enemy; it’s the ally that leads you to enlightenment.

Before you reach your goal, you might question whether it’s all worth the trouble—whether you will be satisfied after all your effort. People might tell you that you’re throwing your life away and urge you to remain as you are. But without undertaking the journey to discover yourself, you’ll live each day in an illusion, fighting it, reinforcing it, and imposing it on others. Now is not the time to escape or retreat from greater awareness. The limitations you suffer are the ones you place on yourself. There is always more to life—embrace it.